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We want to see your work and bring you into our network.

Ki Smith Gallery has always had a keen interest in finding new talent and using exhibitions as a means to bring artists into our community. Due to the overwhelming interest from incredible artists to build new relationships, we are thrilled to be accepting applications and reviewing portfolios with an esteemed group of judges this year. It is our wish that this group exhibition will not only expand our network, but also be an incredible platform to shine light on exciting new and existing talent and to allow artists the opportunity to connect with our clients and community.

We want to recognize as many talented applicants as possible, so we will be opening up both floors of exhibition space for this exhibition and granting multiple artists the chance to show and collaborate with our program. The exhibition will be listed in print in Artforum. Each of the exhibiting artists will be given a minimum of one dedicated post on our instagram and will be mentioned in our official exhibition announcement and press release that will be sent to our full list of 5000+ contacts.  

We will additionally be inviting every artists that applies to participate in this exhibition to a private reception where they will get to meet the gallery owner as well as a number of the esteemed judges. This reception will be an opportunity to meet some of the judges and see the gallery before the selection of artists for the exhibition is picked. 

Applications for Summer 2025's Juried Exhibition are open now. Judges will be announced at the beginning of the year.

We look forward to seeing your work!


- Ki

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